A Call to Worship
Pentecost 4B [Ordinary 12B] or [Proper 7B] 2012
Psalm 9: 9-20

Trustworthy God, whose Name is cherished and revered—
so we gather to worship you - joining together to sing your praises.
We come to thank you for your compassionate nature.

Sheltering God, you care for and support oppressed people—
so we gather to pray to you for all distressed and needy people.
We come to thank you for your willingness to be involved
with us, in all the challenges of life within communal living.

Listening God, whose Name is Justice, Fairness and Charity—
so we gather to call on your Name, as we bless and praise you.
We come to thank you for remembering all your promises made
to your people so long ago, and yet still so relevant this very day. Amen.

Prayers of Lament and Petition
Pentecost 4B [Ordinary 12B] or [Proper 7B] 2012
Psalm 9: 9-20

Just and Holy God, we gather together today, conscious of each
other’s presence and needs, and also as being only a small part of
a larger and varied community of people. Even here amongst us
today, we have sick, grieving and anxious people, who need your
encouragement and support within their daily trials. So Loving God,
we ask that you hear our prayers, even as we rejoice in your mercy.
People who cherish and revere God’s Holy Name, also trust in God.

Reassuring God, we have the promised assurances of our God, and
give you our thanks that you never abandon us to various difficulties,
or to our own vulnerability; but instead, you always listen to the needs
of people, never ignoring them in their troubles. We come seeking your
gracious mercy and blessing, O God, in life’s trials and temptations.
We give thanks for the past victories that God has brought about over
situations caused by people who have ignored or denied God’s presence.
People who honour and bless God’s Holy Name, also trust in God.

Awe-inspiring God, in an attitude of reverent worship, we come before
you, asking that in and through the power of your love, that the influences
of evil in this world will come to acknowledge and accept that God’s Rule
of Love and Compassion has been established and celebrated by God’s
people, and that finally, evil is a defeated and spent force in this our world.
People who worship and praise God’s Holy Name, also trust in God. Amen.

A Personal Meditation
Pentecost 4B [Ordinary 12B] or [Proper 7B] 2012
Psalm 9: 9-20

I can personally testify that God is indeed a secure refuge in
times of trouble, pain or despair; and not only when personally
troubled, but it is so reassuring to be also able to place ones loved
ones in God’s eternal care. This is especially reassuring when life
is a bit grim and the future looks scary! O my God, I especially feel
so helpless when I stand by and with loved ones as they suffer—
whether their torment is physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.
I especially give thanks that God is always my own secure refuge

Creative pause: I thank God for my secure refuge in God.

I also am so grateful for those human “saints in light” who stood
by me in those dark days, when the radiance of their faith in God
was like a beacon in the darkness. I can’t really say that I know
of anyone who “hates” me, but I do know there are plenty of people
who do not understand me or where I am “coming from”; or even
what is important to me! Their negativity acts like a weight on my
shoulders, which sometimes is hard to ignore. But so long as I
can live my life according to my understanding of God’s love and
mercy, there is not much else I can do, except pray for myself and
them; and then leave us all to God’s merciful care and forgiveness.

Creative pause: I thank God for those human “saints in light”.

I take comfort in the fact that the God I worship is a God of justice,
equity and peace, and that “in the fullness of time”, both I and them
will know and be known as only God knows us all. I take comfort in
God’s promises and testify to the mercies God has so often poured
over me when I have been so very needy! I give my thanks to God!

Creative pause: How comforting it is that God is just and merciful.

Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union'); as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.

If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2012 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year B. Used with permission.


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